
class survive.nonparametric.NonparametricEstimator[source]

Abstract base class for nonparametric estimators.


Confidence level of the confidence intervals.


Type of confidence intervals to report.


Survival data used to fit the estimator.


Seed for this model’s random number generator.


Get a summary of this estimator.


How to handle tied event times.


Type of variance estimate to compute.


check_fitted() Check whether this model is fitted.
fit(*args, **kwargs) Fit this model to data.
plot(*groups[, ci, ci_style, ci_kwargs, …]) Plot the estimates.
predict(time, *[, return_se, return_ci]) Compute estimates.
to_string([max_line_length]) String representation of this model.

Check whether this model is fitted. If not, raise an exception.


Confidence level of the confidence intervals.

conf_level : float

The confidence level.


Type of confidence intervals to report.

conf_type : str

The type of confidence interval.


Survival data used to fit the estimator.

This property is only available after fitting.

data : SurvivalData

The survive.SurvivalData instance used to fit the estimator.

fit(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Fit this model to data.

self : Model

The Model being fitted.

plot(*groups, ci=True, ci_style='fill', ci_kwargs=None, mark_censor=True, mark_censor_kwargs=None, legend=True, legend_kwargs=None, colors=None, palette=None, ax=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plot the estimates.

*groups : list of group labels

Specify the groups whose curves should be plotted. If none are given, the curves for all groups are plotted.

ci : bool, optional

If True, draw pointwise confidence intervals.

ci_style : {“fill”, “lines”}, optional

Specify how to draw the confidence intervals. If ci_style is “fill”, the region between the lower and upper confidence interval curves will be filled. If ci_style is “lines”, only the lower and upper curves will be drawn (this is inspired by the style of confidence intervals drawn by plot.survfit in the R package survival).

ci_kwargs : dict, optional

Additional keyword parameters to pass to fill_between() (if ci_style is “fill”) or step() (if ci_style is “lines”) when plotting the pointwise confidence intervals.

mark_censor : bool, optional

If True, indicate the censored times by markers on the plot.

mark_censor_kwargs : dict, optional

Additional keyword parameters to pass to scatter() when marking censored times.

legend : bool, optional

Indicates whether to display a legend for the plot.

legend_kwargs : dict, optional

Keyword parameters to pass to legend().

colors : list or tuple or dict or str, optional

Colors for each group. This is ignored if palette is provided. This can be a sequence of valid matplotlib colors to cycle through, or a dictionary mapping group labels to matplotlib colors, or the name of a matplotlib colormap.

palette : str, optional

Name of a seaborn color palette. Requires seaborn to be installed. Setting a color palette overrides the colors parameter.

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional

The axes on which to plot. If this is not specified, the current axes will be used.

**kwargs : keyword arguments

Additional keyword arguments to pass to step() when plotting the estimates.


The Axes on which the plot was drawn.

predict(time, *, return_se=False, return_ci=False)[source]

Compute estimates.

time : array-like

One-dimensional array of times at which to make estimates.

return_se : bool, optional

If True, also return standard error estimates.

return_ci : bool, optional

If True, also return confidence intervals.

estimate : pandas.DataFrame

DataFrame of estimates. Each columns represents a group, and each row represents an entry of time.

std_err : pandas.DataFrame, optional

Standard errors of the estimates. Same shape as estimate. Returned only if return_se is True.

lower : pandas.DataFrame, optional

Lower confidence interval bounds. Same shape as estimate. Returned only if return_ci is True.

upper : pandas.DataFrame, optional

Upper confidence interval bounds. Same shape as estimate. Returned only if return_ci is True.


Seed for this model’s random number generator. This may not be an numpy.random.RandomState instance. The internal RNG is not a public attribute and should not be used directly.

random_state : object

The seed for this model’s RNG.


Get a summary of this estimator.

summary : NonparametricEstimatorSummary

The summary of this estimator.


How to handle tied event times.


String representation of this model.

max_line_length : int, optional

Specifies the maximum length of a line. If None, everything will be on one line.

model_string : str

A string representation of this model which should be able to be used to instantiate a new identical model.


Type of variance estimate to compute.